• Help Center
  • Simple to Get

  • Choosing a new SSL certificate will not get any effortless than this. You purchase it right from your own Web Control Panel and it’ll be ready for you quickly. No reason to stop at a differing supplier only for an SSL and no more needing to waste time waiting for many days to get it made.

  • Easy to Install
  • Easy to Install

  • On the condition that your domain name is hosted in a Worldwide Hosting account, you can actually opt to get your new SSL certificate immediately installed. Our smart system can take on most of the labor and you will not have to endure any kind of manual installations.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • 24x7 Support

  • We offer 24x7 support with each of our web hosting services. Our help skilled technicians have lots of practical experience working with SSL Certificates and they are capable to support you with challenges that one can face. They’ve a normal reaction time frame of less than 20 mins!

SSL Prices

Swipe left & right to view all SSLs
SSL 1 year
Regular SSL $19.00
Wildcard SSL $109.00

SSL Certificates with Worldwide Hosting

An SSL certificate will add a genuinely important protection coating for your sites. In case you have an e–shop and collect money charges, then an SSL Certificate is indeed a must–have because it can substantially enhance the customer’s faith in your web site.

Thanks to the Worldwide Hosting, you can get yourself your brand new SSL Certificate right from your personal web hosting Control Panel. And whenever your domain name is hosted in an account with Worldwide Hosting, we will instantly install the SSL Certificate instead of you. Zero further setup or manual setting are needed.

Apart from the regular SSL Certificates, there is also a Wildcard SSL certificate. The Wildcard SSL Certificate may be placed on a plenty of hostnames concurrently. This is really valuable if you desire to secure quite a few sites simultaneously.

SSL Certificates, either regular and wildcard, that you can get at Worldwide Hosting, feature a genuine 2048–bit data encryption and also a $10 000 USD warranty.You can purchase an SSL certificate with all Worldwide Hosting’s web hosting services – shared web hosting plans, VPS hosting plans, semi-dedicated plans, and dedicated web hosting plans.

Whois Privacy Protection

Secure your individual details

According to regulations stipulated by ICANN, the WHOIS information associated with your domain is freely available and your personal or business details can be seen on the Internet by anybody. To help you conceal your domain registration info from the general public, we offer you a WHOIS protection service at an excellent price. Within the Domain Manager, simply pick the domain that you’d like to protect and click the Whois Privacy Protection button on the right to activate this service.

You ought to remember that this service is available solely with these top–level domain names: .info, .biz, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .pro, .cc, .net, .com and .org.

Whois Privacy Protection

Domain Locking

Protect your domains from theft

By locking your domain, you will able to secure it from unapproved transfers. This way, anyone who attempts to initiate a transfer of your domain to a different domain registrar will be immediately stopped.

And in case you need to transfer the domain name to a different domain name registrar yourself, you can unlock it with one click. The domain locking/unlocking option is available in the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel. Just select a domain name and click the Registrar Lock icon to lock/unlock it.

Domain Locking
  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $33.49/year
  • .BARGAINS - $30.99/year
  • .CAFE - $36.49/year
  • Compare Domain Names