A perfect package to start your Internet business existence with. It includes a 1–click setting up of e–commerce, blog, etc. web applications, unlimited hosted domains, multiple email accounts and databases plus a 30–day money–back guarantee. Varnish and Redis support is offered as well.
Business Package
Our Advantages
Business hosting at
$8.50/mo.Take a look at our web hosting platform with a 30 days free trial. No credit card required.
Fully featured and scalable web hosting services for your dynamic web sites
Our shared web hosting solutions allow for much quicker site loading speeds as well as a better scalability. The server load is distributed across a number of machines instead of a single one, so you will not be affected by load issues or any maintenance procedures. Each cloud web hosting pack comes with a point–and–click Web Control Panel available in 10+ different languages and with a Apps tool, with which you can set up personal diaries, social networking websites, image galleries, etc.. If you’re not content with the actual service quality for any reason whatsoever, simply make use of the thirty–day MBG.
Service Scalability
A cloud hosting service that grows together with your website’s necessities
Our custom shared web hosting system permits your sites to grow as much as you like them to. Scalability is ensured since all services are handled by a couple of physical machines instead of a single one. Hence, you will be able to use as many of the allotted web hosting resources as you like and you’ll never be affected by server excessive load issues or extended maintenance duties. Moreover, you will be able to upgrade your web hosting package with extra features or migrate to a more advanced hosting plan anytime you wish.
Faster Performance
Faster–than–the–blink–of–an–eye speed is one of the crucial pros of our custom–created shared web hosting platform.
We’ve been able to update the bandwidth up to as much as 10 Gb/s in order to ensure improved web connectivity and much quicker website loading speeds, to add additional physical servers that will streamline routine server maintenance duties and reduce service disturbances and network downtimes, and to transfer user accounts to solid–state disks, which allow for significantly faster data execution speeds and a much better durability compared with the ordinary hard disk drives.
Email Manager
An all–inclusive email administration software tool
The Mail Manager available in the Web Control Panel has an easy–to–use graphical user interface with plenty of email controls. You’ll be able to forward email messages to a different e–mail box account, activate custom mail filters, control the anti–spam protection levels, set up custom auto–response messages, anti–spoofing protect your domain, set up e–mail lists, etc. How–to email management video tutorials are included as well.
True Cloud Platform
Take a Tour
At Worldwide Hosting, we take pride in having a real shared web hosting platform – every single service is dealt with by a different physical server, which means that your sites will always open fast even if the system is under stress. This cloud web hosting system was fully developed by us with stability and scalability in mind, and is backed up by a 99.9 percent server uptime guarantee.
Website Builder
Create your personal or business web sites with a single click
Going online is now incredibly easy with the Site Creating Application accessible from the your Web Control Panel. Simply pick out a theme from our selection of over one hundred business and personal web site templates then add your web site content (images, textual content, etcetera) with a mouse click. To bring your web site online, simply click on the Publish button. It is that simple. You can use the Website Builder for all the domain names in your hosting account.
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Service guarantees
- Each of our packages is set up for you cost–free. 30–day refund. 99.9% service uptime. 1–hour reply time.
Compare our prices
- Take a look at our pricing and decide on the most suitable hosting solution for your individual or company web sites. It’s possible to move up to a more feature–rich plan with a click of the mouse.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- You can easily make contact with us all through business hours over the phone for any general info.